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Artículo de Friis/Índice/Ecuación 1

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Ecuación 1


= Energía de alimentación de la antena transmisora en sus terminales de entrada
= Potencia disponible en los terminales de salida de la antena receptora
= Área efectiva de la antena receptora
= Área efectiva de la antena transmisora
= Distancia entre las antenas
= Longitud de onda

Equation 1


This note emphasizes the utility of the following simple transmission formula for a radio circuit made up of a transmitting antenna and a receiving antenna in free space:

Pt= power fed into the transmitting antenna at its input terminals.
Pr=power available at the output terminals of the receiving antenna.
Ar=effective area of the receiving antenna.
At=effective area of the transmitting antenna
d=distance between antennas.
= wavelength
The effective areas appearing in (1) are discussed in the next section and this is followed by a derivation of the formula and a discussion of its limitations.