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Inglés/Gramática/Verbos que expresan condición

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Stative Verbs

Some verbs, often called stative verbs, are distinguished because they describe states, i.e. situations and conditions. An important grammar fact is that stative verbs are, if ever possible, infrequently used in progressive tenses. The following verbs have always stative meaning: Algunos verbos, frecuentemente llamados verbos estaticos, se distinguen por que describen estados, i.e situaciones y condiciones. Un importante hecho gramatical es que los verbos estaticos son, si acaso es posible, raramente usados en tiempos progresivos. Los siguientes verbos son siempre estaticos:
amaze appreciate astonish believe belong care consist of contain
desire dislike envy equal exist fear feel hate
hear know like look like love matter mind need
owe own please possess prefer realize recognize resemble
seem sound suppose surprise understand

Hence, it is incorrect to say Por lo tanto, es incorrecto decir
Now that I am trying it, I am liking it.
The correct form is: La forma correcta es:
Now that I am trying it, I like it.

There are verbs that have both progressive and stative meaningful uses: Existen verbos que tienen usos con sentido tanto en forma progresiva como tipo estático:

appear be cost doubt feel forget have imagine
include look mean remember see smell taste think
want weigh