Usuario discusión:T25N/audio-test
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This site does not function an many mobile devices, especially the audio files don't work on:
- iPad 2
- iPhone 6
- in mobile site-version
- in classic site version
- The second audio is wrapped inside a table to mark it with red color.
- The third audio is wrapped inside a table to mark it with blue color.
- And why is the collapsible table at the bottom of the site not collapsible on mobile devices?
Nexus 7
[editar]- Firefox-Browser has no problems (because it has integrated the ogg-audio-codec)
- in other browsers the audio does not function (Chrome)
- mobile version: audio works (ugly great buttons for the audio-start; doesnt fit with the red or blue table-cell)
- collapsibel wikitable is not collapsible
- non-mobile version: same problems
[editar]- Safari-Browser
- audio buttons do not start audio. When I press them a message box pops up: "you need VLC to play this audio". But download of "VLC media streamer" does not help. There is no "VLC" available on iTunes.
[editar]- Safari-Browser
- There are no audio-buttons vissible; only the red and blue box is visible
see also
- App: Wikipedia (Android)
- App: Wikipedia Mobile (iTunes)